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#1 29-03-2022 03:48 pm

Simply NikNaks
Simply NikNaks

Installing new version breaks PDF file relationship

This has been bugging me for a bit but I keep forgetting to ask.

Every time I install a new version, when I next download my labels from RM Click & Drop or Amazon Buy Shipping, the PDF generated loads up into a 'viewer' for PDF type files and not into Adobe - or sometimes does nothing at all and does not load. If it loads into the 'viewer' and I print from there, the label quality is not as good.

If I re-boot after doing install then it works fine - the PDF loads into Adobe as expected.

Not a major problem as I just have to remember to re-boot - but sometimes I forget (like with yesterdays new version). So I lost all labels of all orders from Amazon yesterday - and its a pain as Amazon has no bulk reprint of labels so I have to go into each order separately and reprint the label (tedious when there are a lot).

Its obviously something the install is doing - and the re-boot corrects it. But if you could look at it sometime it would be appreciated.


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