

Process sales from all your channels

5 star reviews on TrustPilot
Amazon B&Q Big Commerce Bluepark Channel Advisor Cubecart Debenhams eBay ECommerce Templates EKM Powershop Etsy Firepages Fruugo Magento OnBuy Opencart OS Commerce PrestaShop Shopify Shopwired Superdrug SureCart TikTok Walmart Wayfair Wix Woo Commerce Zen Cart Custom Channels

If you need your channel integrated, please contact us

10 reasons to choose Packing Partner

  • We provide excellent windows desktop software and service, for UK and Ireland businesses.
  • We are a small and flexible company, on first name terms with the majority of our customers.
  • We know the pressure of your business, so our customer service is second to none.
  • Packing Partner was one of the first order fulfilment solutions on the UK market.
  • During the past 20 years we have perfected the program based on the needs of users.
  • With no shareholders, we are able to provide excellent value and service, at lower cost to you.
  • The best value fulfilment software, without any compromise on features or performance.
  • An order processing system that can be fully customised to your exact requirements.
  • Extremely flexible configuration, including efficient remote picking and packing apps.
  • We are an eco aware company, with our main office powered by on site solar and wind generation.

Customer comments

Fulfilling sales with Packing Partner

Channel integration

Sales are collected into Packing Partner using the familiar browser interface of your selling platform.

  • Work from the order view you are familiar with
  • Collect sales from the built in tabbed browser
  • Select only the sales you want to process
  • Queue sales across multiple order list pages
  • See the processing status of each sale in the browser
  • Despatch all sales in bulk with carrier & tracking
  • The browser can store details for one click login

Automated collect option

Express Collect uses our cloud server to gather sales in real time from your sales channels, and download them directly into Packing Partner.

Collect sales from the browser

Filter and tag sales records

Organised processing

The unified records view allows you to organise and process all your sales in one place.

  • Order your sales records to suit your packing
  • Instantly find sales with single click filter buttons
  • Tags to highlight special requirements or handling
  • Print picking & packing lists, invoices and labels
  • Assign a holding state for records with that are delayed
  • Send records to packing stations to create and print labels
  • Auto send order process emails directly to buyers
  • Import and export data from and to other systems

Integrated carrier labels

Create and download shipping labels directly from your carrier account, and print them with your packing details.

Sales Sources

Browser Collect

Sales are collected from the built in browser, so you are working from your familiar platform orders page.

Express Collect

Sales are auto collected and downloaded from our server, so they are ready instantly without any waiting.

Custom Collect

If you have your own bespoke selling channel, Packing Partner can be customised to collect from it.

Manual Orders

Create manual orders from walk in or phone sales that are processed in the same flow as your online sales.

File Import

Sales can be imported from spreadsheets and CSV files for channels that send you order files.

Auto map columns for file import

Flexible print layout options

Flexible Printing

The powerful layout designer allows you to print on anything from integrated to continuous labels.

  • Drag and drop designer to create any printed layout
  • Layered content that can be shown on specific pages
  • Position your content anywhere on the page
  • Specify any number of labels across and down the page
  • Interact with scripting for complete control
  • Pre defined frames for invoices and packing slips
  • Auto size text so the address always fits the label
  • Print on any media from colour laser to label printers

Layout design service

If you need help with layout design, our design service can create the layout for you.

Embedded editor and debugger

Advanced Features

Custom scripting

Scripting provides the ability to tailor Packing Partner to your exact needs, all from the integrated editor and debugger.

Product lookup

Automatically add missing information such as HS codes, weights and dimensions, to every product when sales are imported.

Custom products

Handle custom products from channels such as Amazon and Etsy. Send details of each product directly to your printer, engraver or other custom equipment.

Packing stations

Send order details to a packing station to create shipping labels after each parcel is packed, so you can use the exact weight and dimensions.


Aimco Software
Penygraig, Cwmann
Lampeter, SA48 8EZ